The Embodied Aquarian Age
Podcast Archive
Standing in the Beauty of Your Authentic Humanness

Standing in the Beauty of Your Authentic Humanness

Cate Montana on anti-life forces, the Cult of Positivity, and the power of not knowing

“When we all stand up in what we really are, this force has no leverage and no ability to stay here – but we have to see it first, because we have to see ourselves first.”

Cate Montana is a lifelong truth-seeker and truth-teller, and the author of several brilliant books illuminating the spiritual path. I was thrilled to meet with Cate to discuss her current work-in-progress, A Treatise on the Unmentionable: Hidden Forces, The Cult of Light and the Pivot Point for Evolutionary Change.

In our mind-blowing, paradigm-busting, no-b.s. conversation, we cover:

  • Cate’s 40-year journey through New Age spirituality and her recent liberation from its stories and programs;

  • The power of being in a state of NOT knowing;

  • The lie of humanity’s “original sin” and how we break through that program and uncover our true essence;

  • Why the “Cult of Positivity” is a set-up that keeps us locked into helplessness and not-enough-ness;

  • The anti-life force that’s out to destroy humanity – and how we find our power in the face of that force;

  • Embodying and expressing our essence and authenticity as the key to creating a new reality;

  • And so much more!

Find out more about Cate and her offerings at, and sign up for her newsletter to be the first to know when her new Treatise is complete. As she mentions in the interview, the Treatise will be available as a download on a donation basis.

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The Embodied Aquarian Age
Podcast Archive
Conversations to support your evolution and awakening.