Nice article, I like that you're emphasizing the empowering and healing potential of this event! :)
According to the ephemeris, the conjunction of Sun, Moon and Chiron is happening in the 20th degree of Aries, though, so just one behind the exact degree of the Sun's exaltation.
Thanks, Lisa! If you look at the chart of the eclipse, the Sun, Moon & Chiron are all at 19 degrees, 24 minutes Aries - so some people would round that up to 20 degrees. :)
Hi Emily. :) Yeeah, probably mostly people who, like me, work with the Sabian Symbols sometimes, where 0°00' - 0°59' spans the "1st degree of" XYZ, 1°00' - 1°59' the second and so on up until 30th. Like the 30th year of a person's life is that in the end of which they "turn 30".
The Sabian Symbol for the 20th degree of Aries where the conjunction is happening is: "A young girl feeding birds in winter", speaking to how there's always love and compassion to give and receive, even in dire circumstances. Quite beautiful I think. :)
Nice article, I like that you're emphasizing the empowering and healing potential of this event! :)
According to the ephemeris, the conjunction of Sun, Moon and Chiron is happening in the 20th degree of Aries, though, so just one behind the exact degree of the Sun's exaltation.
Thanks, Lisa! If you look at the chart of the eclipse, the Sun, Moon & Chiron are all at 19 degrees, 24 minutes Aries - so some people would round that up to 20 degrees. :)
Hi Emily. :) Yeeah, probably mostly people who, like me, work with the Sabian Symbols sometimes, where 0°00' - 0°59' spans the "1st degree of" XYZ, 1°00' - 1°59' the second and so on up until 30th. Like the 30th year of a person's life is that in the end of which they "turn 30".
The Sabian Symbol for the 20th degree of Aries where the conjunction is happening is: "A young girl feeding birds in winter", speaking to how there's always love and compassion to give and receive, even in dire circumstances. Quite beautiful I think. :)
Very nice!